
Conclusion signal words
Conclusion signal words

conclusion signal words conclusion signal words

When you restate your main points, don’t worry about restating all the small details that make up your description or evidence. Unless you are writing an opinion piece that includes several “I” statements throughout, avoid ending your essay with a sudden “I think…” or “I feel…” If you haven’t been including your personal opinion throughout the essay, then you shouldn’t insert your opinion into the conclusion. Simply restate and summarise the main points clearly. Your conclusion is not the place to introduce anything new. Be sure to avoid the following common mistakes: Use a clear transition word or phrase, restate your main points and arguments, and possibly finish with a call to action. When writing a strong conclusion paragraph, you want to keep it simple. For example, if you’re writing an informative essay about the sea creatures that live in the very deepest parts of the ocean, you may close with a sentence like this: “It’s clear that today’s scientists should continue to observe and document these mysterious creatures, so we may learn more about the life at the bottom of the ocean.” A call to action like this can make your reader feel inspired and informed after reading your essay. Call to actionįor some expository and argumentative essays, it’s appropriate to end with a call to action as your last sentence. If you have provided enough evidence along the way, this restatement should make readers feel as if you’ve persuaded them fully. Restate your main pointsįinally, if you are writing an argumentative essay, you’ll want to clearly restate your main argument in order to leave readers with one final appeal. Also, simply list off the point as a reminder to your audience about what they’ve just read. Be concise and clear you should be able to summarise each main point in a simple phrase that avoids restating each detail and piece of evidence related to the point.

conclusion signal words

Depending on the length of your essay, this may be done in a single sentence, or it may require a few sentences. Once you have signalled that you are drawing your essay to a close, you can then restate the primary points of your essay. Some common examples of conclusion transition words and phrases include: Different transition words can have different effects, so be sure to choose a transition word or phrase that clearly communicates that you are closing your essay. The first sentence of your paragraph should include clear transition words to signal to your reader that you are beginning to wrap up your essay. Your conclusion paragraph should begin with a smooth transition from the body of your essay.

Conclusion signal words